Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Optimising all images in WordPress using "Optimus – WordPress Image Optimizer" plugin

If you are optimising a WordPress website for images then you can have a look at this plugin, which provide the good solution, this plugin has two version one is paid and one is free.

Below you can find a steps to use this plugin:

  1. Open you WordPress website's admin panel.
  2. Add and active Optimus – WordPress Image Optimizer plugin.
  3. Hover over on "Tools" and click on "Optimize all images"
  4. There would be one line in italic which will mentioned the number of images need to optimise, if its zero it would not optimise the image (Please note that if you have uploaded images after this plugin has been installed you would see the 0 images to optimise as those images has already been optimise by this plugin while you uploaded to media folder).

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