Sunday 1 October 2017

Permalinks are not working in Localhost : WordPress

This issue arise mostly when you use new/different system to start your WordPress (WP) project, as sometimes the new system or the system you are using might have not selected few setting in their Apache settings. 

Due to which in your WP project if you need the website URLs other then default, it does not take you to the page instead it will through an error message on your browser screen. 

Reason behind this error message is, except default permalinks Apache server need .htaccess file to render the cusom URLs, and Apache read .htaccess file only when you have turn on the setting to read it.

And each time when you try other then default permalinks it through error and when you choose default permalinks and save it, links do start working.

To fix this issue follow the given steps:
  1. Click on Wamp icon on Window task bar.
  2. Go to Apache->Apache Modules.
  3. In the Apache module list go to "rewrite_module" and select it and you are done.
Below it the video for visual demonstration of the the above mentioned steps:

Versions at the time of Demonstration:
Operating System: Window 10
Apache server:  2.4.9 (runs through WAMP)
WordPress: 4.8.2
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